Jacinta's Miracle

Jacinta’s Miracle

- Healing from chronic fatigue

   Photo of newly risen sun - Pam Bishop

“Do you think we could pray for my niece Jacinta today?” my friend Joy asked as we settled into the comfy lounge chairs at my little house in Carina.  There were four of us, the ‘core group’ of a little prayer group I led for many years.

“Her chronic fatigue is so bad now she can’t even shower herself.”

“Oh! Of course,” we said and proceeded to pray. 

We prayed for Jacinta for months, every time we met. We realised many others were praying – her family and friends, her church leaders.

Before chronic fatigue

Jacinta had been a strong, popular, highly motivated girl who did well at school and was a dancer. She did ballet, pointe, jazz, Latin and tap at a local dance school and did voluntary dancing and choreography for her church’s musicals.

When she was seventeen and in Grade Twelve, the trouble began.

She was tired. Exhausted.

For six to eight months, she became sicker and sicker.

She would suddenly get sick.


She’d set out feeling fine, then feel as if she’d been hit by a truck. Then she’d need to rest for a week and start the cycle all over again.  Her sickness was accompanied by sporadic mild panic attacks which eventually became severe and debilitating.

Natural therapies, doctors, etc

After she’d had a number of medical tests, her doctor pronounced the awful words, “Chronic fatigue.”

Jacinta tried everything. A cardiologist (no problem was found), a psychologist, a couple of naturopaths and dieticians and two doctors specialising in chronic fatigue. Soon she was on a diet with no wheat, dairy, additives, sugar, and various other foods.

She took many supplements to help her mood and her energy.

Every fortnight she had vitamin infusions with her specialists, and her mother gave her regular vitamin B injections until Jacinta was able to administer them herself. She also took supplements to help her moods and insomnia.

Freedom from anxiety

On a family holiday, Jacinta read Hear my cry, oh God! , Merrilyn Billing’s testimony which I (Jeanette) wrote. (It’s the initial edition of Healing Song). She sensed the presence of God as she read it and took note of the advice to give every anxiety-inducing thought to God, asking Him to use it for His glory. She was astonished at the number of these thoughts – she counted twelve in one minute! Gradually she found herself free of anxiety.

But the frightening exhaustion and weakness lasted about twelve months.

It was a grim thing to face for an attractive and talented young girl.

She knew people were praying for her and often she sensed the presence of God, but for a whole year nothing changed.

She was apprehensive about her future.

Do I have a normal future? she would wonder. Am I doomed to being an invalid?

We continued to pray for her.

Turning the corner

A few long years later, Joy announced to our little group, “Jacinta’s getting a bit better.” The air buzzed with expectation as we sat in the lounge room with the sun glowing golden through the cream curtains. “There are quite a few people praying for her – her church leaders, her family and friends and of course, us.”

Miracles can be gradual

The improvement was very gradual. 
But it was beginning. 
After a while, she and her long term boyfriend became engaged. The doctors were not happy about this. It was surely too much for her?

Jacinta herself faced concerns.

Will I be well enough to be a good wife? she’d wonder. To do housework? To go shopping? To go back to working?

Her fiancé persisted in believing for a normal happy future for her.

“You’re just being stubborn,” Jacinta said. “You don’t realise how sick I am.”


But she had underestimated his faith.

He was right.

After a year’s engagement, they were married.

Jacinta took a break from the studies she’d resumed. By then she was able to work part time.

Recovery – life again!

                            Jacinta at her baby dedication - photo from Jacinta

Last year (2018) Jacinta completed her uni degree while pregnant and working full time.

“I am 100% healed,” says Jacinta now. “Last year I worked full time, studied part time, ran a dance ministry and danced and taught dance projects in other churches.

“I did my own personal dance classes at a local dance school and did weight training at the gym three times a week. All while pregnant.

“It took me about six and a half years to get back to 100% well. I still have to monitor my body closely and look after myself. I exercise properly about four times a week and eat the right foods.

“I haven’t had a panic attack since being married. My husband is very calm. It rubs off!

“I no longer do ballet but still dance. I run the church’s dance ministry. And last year I had a beautiful baby girl.”

We were thrilled at this answer to our – and so many others’ - prayers and at God’s goodness.

It was only when I wrote this blog, in May this year, that I learnt of the part my book – Merrilyn’s testimony – had played in Jacinta’s coming through.


  1. It's wonderful to hear how God answers prayer and chooses to heal. Thanks for sharing, Jeanette.

  2. Yes, it is different so many times. We tend to want a 'quick fix' but perhaps we wouldn't hold it if we got it. Thanks for commenting, Jenny.


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