Back to Eden

 Aerial photo of Back to Eden and the adjacent beach and reef

Alan and Bronwen Prisk are Australian expatriates running Back to Eden Restaurant on Vanuatu. They also have a bungalow for visitors. They are likeable and intelligent – and are both sincere Christians who feel they were sent to take God’s love to the Vanuatu local people. How did they come to that conclusion?

Bronnie and Alan

One morning in Nambour (Queensland) Bronnie was praying when she found herself staring at a picture of Jesus in a dingy that was tied to a wharf. He was beckoning her to get into the boat with Him. Bronnie saw herself get into the boat and ask Jesus, “Where are we going?”
“Vanuatu,” He replied.

Bronnie dissolved into tears of awe, joy and many other emotions. She and Alan had been praying about this for some time. It seemed God really did want them to go. Their other children were all either married or living in a house together, so they would be fine, although she would miss them. It would be wonderful to spend some time with their daughter Hannah who lived with her husband Ray on Vanuatu.

Over the next few days her mind flicked back over the events of the past months.

Several months ago, they had been visiting Hannah and Ray, when they noticed a bungalow built by a Frenchman. It was pleasant. The sort of place they could enjoy living. As they gazed at it, they both felt something shift inside them. Was God calling them to live there?

As they looked into the possibility, they found it was legally necessary to be employed in Vanuatu or to run a business there, in order to move there. Alan was experienced in building and Bronnie was well known as a gourmet cook (I verify this from my own experience). A restaurant! They could employ some of the local people to help them.

Bronnie and Alan's house with restaurant
 and guest bungalow.

It would be huge step to leave their large family in Australia. They would need to be certain God was leading them.

And so it was that Bronnie was praying and had her vision.
She began to pack.
What do I need to take, Lord? She asked as she sorted their possessions.
“Just take Me,” came the whisper.

                                                 In the restaurant

Now they live there and run a successful restaurant, with several local girls helping. They enjoy many visitors. The position of their home and restaurant, right on the seafront, attracts many.

They love to enjoy a glass of wine and a platter of cheese as they sit looking out at the sun setting into the ocean, flooding the sea and the sky with orange and rose brilliance.

Alan takes anyone interested in snorkelling to see the exotic sights on the nearby reef.

On all fronts it is a glimpse of paradise.


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