A New Car

God Whispers

These stories are not in chronological order but just as they come to mind.

Some prayers are prayed only by very unusual people or brand new converts.

I was, at least, a new convert.

When I became a Christian, the charismatic movement was in full swing. At the same time the Jesus People (a hippyish type of young Christians) were gaining popularity, even finding a place on the cover of Time Magazine.

Perhaps some of their hippy values seeped into our charismatic Christianity. Like giving things away instead of selling them. Sharing what we had. The early apostles did, after all. It was easy for me to embrace as I’d gone straight from my university course in Brisbane to the arty scene in Sydney. To the ‘city hippies’. There were lots of God whispers, perhaps even ‘God shouts’. 

Several months after I became a Christian, I bought my first car – a second hand Morris 1100. I loved it. But after several months it began to break down in out of the way places. It soon acquired bumps and problems that sent me rattling into the nearest garage for help.

After a few months, I was concerned about my dwindling finances. I was at Bible College and had no time to work. Every morning I picked up three other students and we sang our way to College. I needed my car. But it was draining my bank account.

One day as I stood at the traffic lights, waiting to cross to the shops, I decided. I would have to sell my beloved car. But . . .
God, I said inside myself, Now I’m a Christian I really can’t sell my car. I’ll have to give it away. So if I give it away, will You give me another one that doesn’t break down as often?

My spirit lifted with a sense that God was happy to do just that. So I planned to give my little car away.

About an hour later I arrived home and puffed up the steps with bags of groceries. (Oh how I needed that car, then being repaired.) As I put the bags on the table and began putting everything away, I heard a car turn into our driveway. It was Nick and Bev in their little green Volkswagen.

 Nick ran up the front steps jingling his car keys. He handed them  to me. “It’s yours!” he said.
Photos by New Old Stock

My brain whirled. “Seriously? Well, thanks! But how did you know what I prayed?”

“Did you pray? For a car? No kidding! We thought we’d made a mistake at first, giving it to you, as you already have one.”

I told him my story.

“But how will you manage?” I asked him.

“We only need one. Bev and I are getting married!” he announced excitedly.

God had answered my prayer already! About an hour after I’d prayed. I felt myself glowing with excitement.

And about a fortnight later I gave my old car to a friend who’d lost his job and his car with it.

I loved having a new car that took me reliably to my destinations.

In time I found there are silences between the whispers, when we have to trust in God and His character. Needless to say, I’ve had to buy most of the major items in my life.

Have you ever been given anything that came as a special blessing?



  1. Bev just discovered this post today (14 May 2018) and, in just over three weeks, it will be 46 years since we got married.

    You have absolutely no idea how much it has affected me to read this. God whispered to me and Bev through this so clearly, in the right time and with His tenderness. To hear his voice is so wonderful. He loves us and cares for us and answers our prayers often before we know.

    Thank you for sharing this and to be a part of God speaking to us today about His love.


    1. I'm thrilled to hear that, Nick. That's the sort of response I hope will come from this blog as I go along in a time when I feel God wants me to 'tell my stories'. Thanks so much for commenting. Thanks again for that car too!

    2. I don’t know if we ever told you but the little green VW actually had a new engine as I had recently had one fitted. Also, when we went to Japan as young missionaries we were given a car as well.

    3. No, I don't think I knew it was a new engine but I knew it ran a lot better than my old one, that's for sure. I had to keep an eye on myself not to speed going down to see Mum at Burleigh. I gave it away before going to PNG. I'm so glad you were given a car in Japan.


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