The Secret to the Secret Place

In this extraordinary year, 2020, I'm so glad I learnt this secret all those years ago. Not that my life has been free of testing by any means, but so far I have not been the panicking mess I was in the first anecdote below. When I thought I was going under “I thought all those scary things were over!” I all but shouted at God. He’d rescued me from drowning - I knew He really had, but . . . I’d been terrified. That seed of terror left me with a question. Hadn’t God’s protection worked that time? He'd allowed Jenny and me to be washed right out to sea among giant, sinister waves. Terrifying waves, for me. (See Stories of Life book, A Chicken can make a Difference – my story When I Think I’m Going Under also my blog post When I think I’m going under on I’d always expected that now I was a Christian, all my narrow escapes (and I seemed to specialise in them) would be over. Surely it was part...