God whispers in a school in the jungle - Part 2

I drifted in and out of sleep all day, still feeling sick and light-headed. In the afternoon the giggling of girls wafted in from the garden where they plucked snails from the hibiscus shrubs. The snails – intended as food for Japanese soldiers during the war – had reached plague proportions and provided one of the daily chores for the girls. The hill at the back of the school. Ocean in the distance. Peter called from the doorway while he was on duty organising the girls. “Feeling any better, Jeanette?” “A bit, thanks.” “It’s nearly five o’clock,” he continued. “Are you ready for Miss Marchment to come over?” So she had told him about dinner. She really was bringing FOOD. So kind of her but ... I still felt sick. How on earth would I get it down? “Okay Peter, I’ll get ready now.” I hauled myself out of bed and shi...