Just in Time

“Is it safe to walk along that little road up the hill?” I pointed towards the road. Jim ‘hmmed’. “Yes, fine,” David replied. “Bit steep though.” “I don’t mind that, “I told him. “I’ll take a thermos of tea and have a break at the top.” “It looks a bit like rain,” Jennifer said. But by then I was determined to go. “I’ll be fine,” I told her. I peered out through the fig tree at the clear sky. “I’ll be back before it rains, I’m pretty sure. But I’ll put my umbrella in.” As I set out, with my journal, a small umbrella and a thermos of tea in a basket, I was glad I’d made the effort to get up a bit earlier. The skies were blue and sunlight lay in slanting golden sheets across the grass. I wondered what the walk into an unfamiliar area would bring. When I had prayed that morning, as I usually did, for God’s protection on my comings and goings, something...