
Showing posts from October, 2024

Looking back in wonder

  Looking Back in Wonder … to the Day It all Began   A while ago, I met some old school friends. I hadn't seen them for many years. Since before I became a Christian. One of them looked at me, eyes wide with horror, and asked, 'Why did you do it?' I realised she meant, why did you become a Christian? So I told her a little bit of it. I understood her surprise. I'd been one of 'The Girls Least Likely' (variation of Rebecca Sparrow's title) to become a Christian.  Most of my story is contained in earlier blog posts  – the atheist tutor who demanded I give up any belief in God or FAIL, my six-month argument with him, his (temporary) victory … then the search for meaning in a godless life, and at last, the experience of hearing a man read from the Bible on our veranda, which caused an astonishing illumination in my mind. Suddenly everything made sense.   It was like a thousand-piece jigsaw putting its pieces to