Turning Point

The day began like any other day in spring in Brisbane, many years ago. I was looking forward to it - a day out on the Sunshine Coast with four friends. 'I'd like to drive up early, before the traffic,' Rowie told us. 'Like, leave about six.' So at six o'clock on a fine morning, we huddled into Rowie's big old station wagon. Soon we were speeding up the highway to the coast. Rowena was driving, alert but tired. We three in the back seat tried to stay awake. At that time I lived in a no-man's land, almost but not quite a Christian, still finding my way and I loved the time together singing Christian songs and laughing. After a while, we three in the back seat were dozing. 'Look at the Glass Houses!' Sue said. I forced myself to open my eyes, not wanting to miss anything. The first rays of sun shafted over the horizon, misting the paddocks with gold. I peered sleepily at great hulks of rock towering above us as we passed th...