Christmas - the earthly birth of the God of new beginnings

Christmas is nearly here. I celebrate with awe the birth of the Saviour who came to give us eternal life and a whole new beginning in our earthly lives. A second chance. As I mentioned in an earlier post, before I became a Christian, I was searching. Searching to find what my life was all about. Since studying Philosophy of Religion at university, I’d been an atheist and had enjoyed the peculiar (delusional) sense of freedom that accompanied that belief. What was life about? I arrived home after a colourful, exciting year or so in Sydney – feeling bored and empty inside. What was my life all about? Here I was, back home after a 'glamorous' life in Sydney writing and directing films, learning acting and doing most things I'd ever wanted. At the end of it all, despite some exciting success, I came home feeling it was all futile. Why hadn’t my life worked out the way I’d expected? Why had my life been sprinkled with tragedies? There were some obvious answers. If...