Happiness is

Not long after our New Zealand holiday, I was seeking a teaching job. These positions were hard to get at that time, especially as I’d returned to Australia when the teaching year had already begun. So I was cleaning several elderly people’s houses for a living. I was staying with my sister, who was sick, her husband, her two-year-old daughter and the cat, all of whom needed looking after. As did the house. This season provided me with Many happy and funny memories. Like the time I was vacuuming and I heard a loud wailing meow. I turned off the vac noise and looked. No cat. Meow! I opened the drawers in the cabinet beside me – and there was the cat tucked in like a doll, probably having a frantic struggle for air. My little niece had put her ‘baby’ cosily to bed. While I was cleaning other people’s houses, I’d sing or pray or plan what to cook that night. That season birthed many interesting recipes, which I tried out on the famil...