How I became an atheist - for a season

My reasons are not really intellectual reasonings but ‘things that happened’, despite the many discussions with university students and lecturers. This post is a bit longer than usual and will perhaps appeal to a different group of readers. Recently a friend asked me why I’d become an atheist earlier in life. Using a lot of material from my earlier blog, Jeanette’s Journallings ( MY JOURNEY INTO – AND OUT OF – ATHEISM) , I’ll answer in brief. Someone else asked why I had moved on from atheism. (“Why did you do it?” a friend asked in wide-eyed horror, on discovering I was a Christian.) So I’ll tell you the brief outline over a short series of blog posts. My sister and I (two teeth missing) at the beach During my childhood years, I had no doubt at all. God was there. We were not Christians except on a social level, but I said my prayers obediently every night – ‘now I lay me …’. God shone through th...