A Prison Story

Trish Jenkins is a well-presented, clear-eyed, likeable lady. I met her at church. There is nothing to suggest she has ‘done time’ in prison. Conned by a fraud and a breach of the Corporations Act, Trish lost her successful business and their family home – and spent eight months locked away from her husband and three daughters. Ouch! What would I do? What would you do? Undaunted, Trish viewed it as an opportunity to share the gospel with her fellow prisoners and some of the workers. She listened to the pain of her fellow-prisoners and prayed for them. Many of the prayers were answered. Instead of lying there, praying, ‘God, get me out of here’, in particularly difficult situations Trish constantly asked God for His perspective, then acted accordingly. Sometimes she wept. But one of her first prayers was for God to make her more effective! Below is an excerpt from her book, Treasures of Darkness: A Prison Journey, used with her permission. This book is fo...